To andy is to say something worth saving on a 3 x 5 card. Except that no one saves anything on a 3 x 5 card these days. I use the pseudodictionary for note-taking, but that doesn't work for anyone else. Andyism.
Примеры использования:
The main problem with andyisms is that they need context for their full import. "I need some incentive" may not sound very funny, but it was at the time -- considering it was said by a two-year old after he had a toilet training accident.
Here are a few andyisms, taken from birthday plaques:
Leave me in peace.
You want restrained?
What are my options?
I need some incentive.
I was just being generous.
To Santa Claus: PS, Opa likes books.
I won because of my great technique.
I feel like I have a living creature in my mouth.
I can feel the fire of perfectness starting to burn above my head.
Me: You wouldn't really want to kill your little brother. Andy: I was using the idiom.
Excuse me, I don't have time to talk right now. I'm watching my new Yu-Gi-oh movie.
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