(adv., pronounced eks-NOW-hill-oh) 1. Deriving from the inability of most writers to create a fictional future or past that is NOT based upon their own current culture or their culture's perception of that period. 2. (Adj.) Of or pertaining to a depiction of the future or past as an extension of a particular culture's or period's perception thereof. (From St. Augustine's _ex nihilo_ "out of nothing," changed (or rather bastardized) into _ex nowhilo_ meaning, I suppose, "out of the now."---the actual Latin should probably be _EX CONSUETUDINE_ "Out of the Familiar.")
Примеры использования:
Have you ever noticed how the 1030s' Christmas Carol, set in 1840, is all about the Depression? And all the characters in the 1977 Star Wars--supposedly set in a "galaxy far far away"--all look like they walked out of a 70s makeover shop?. That's ex nowhilo: just like 1960s cowboys would never fit in in the west of the 1870s, but look exactly like people from the 60s, or 2008 tv characters look just like 2008 supermodels, no matter what era they're supposed to be in.
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