This rather lengthier-than-necessary word is applicable when somebody makes an ad hominem ad hominem attack.
In other words, say, someone accuses you of making an ad hominem attack when you really didn't. As a way to make you feel that your arguments were inferior.
Sort of an "adhom-adhom," if you will. Just threw the extra syllables, the "m," the "mom," and the "dad" to make it more passionate and intense.
Like you're mad at your mom and dad and you're really upset with someone for seeming to attack you because you weren't able to respond well to her arguments.
Примеры использования:
Instead of politely reasoning and addressing my arguments in a logical way, Chris accused me of making an ad hominem attack. I told her she had just committed the debating fallacy of madadhomadhomadmomandad.
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