(adj. phrase) 1. obviously comprehensible to somebody, but not to me/us; (n. phr.) 2. perfectly good English which is nevertheless part of the colossal percentage of English words most English speakers are not familiar with.
(v.) "risibly mulcting" 3. using 'big' words to impress, intimidate, or obfuscate meaning. (imperative v.) 4. adjust your vocabulary to the audience. (From the perfectly sound English words "risible," meaning "laughable" (sorta) and "mulct," a fine.)
Примеры использования:
HOLMES: "Demonstrably, maugre the apostil in this singularly antithalian vade mecum---evidently an epinosic apophoret---the child is a mammothreptic pygia, and his abductors were the familiar jeroboam and the abigail; videlicet their subitaneous flight." WATSON: "Risible mulct." HOLMES: "I beg your pardon?" WATSON: "What on Earth did you just say?"
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