Наши Рейтинги
2776 words
2776 words -
A list of some of the most frequently used words in English.
Created for my 10-year-old grandson Andrew to make sure the words are in his vocabulary and to make sure he knows how to spell them.
1 I a TV am an as at be by do 11 go he if in is it me my no of 21 oh on or so to up us we 1/2 1/4 31 Ann Bay Ben Bob Dad Dan Don Dr. God I'd 41 I'm Jim Joe Jr. May Mr. Sam Sir St. Tim 51 Tom act add age ago aid air all and any 61 are arm art ask ate bad bag bar bat bed 71 bee bet big bit bow box boy bus but buy 81 can cap car cat cow cry cup cut day did 91 die dig dog dot dry due dug ear eat egg 101 end eye far fat fed few fig fit fix fly 111 fog for fox fun fur gas get got gun had 121 has hat hay her him his hit hot how ice 131 ill its jar jet job joy key kid law lay 141 led leg let lie log lot low mad man map 151 may men met mix mud new nor not now off 161 oil old one our out own pan pay pen per 171 pet pie pig pot put ran raw red rod Andrew 180 row run sad san sat saw say sea see set 190 sex she sir sit six sky son sum sun tax 200 tea ten the thy tie tin tip too top try 210 two use war was way wet who why win won 220 yes yet you Andy Asia Bill Dick Eddy Fred I'll 230 I've Jack Jane Jeff John July June King Laos Mama 240 Mars Mary Mike Miss Mrs. Ohio Papa Paul Phil Pole 250 Rome U.N. U.S. York able also ants area arms army 260 arts atom aunt away baby back ball band bank bare 270 bark barn base bean bear beat been bell belt bend 280 bent best bite blew blow blue boat body bone book 290 born both bowl boys burn bush busy cage cake call 300 came camp card care cars case cave cell cent city 310 clay club coal coat cold come cook cool copy corn 320 cost cows crew crop dark date dawn days dead deal 330 dear deep deer desk died dirt dish does dogs done 340 door down draw drew drop duck dull dust duty each 350 earn ears east easy edge eggs else ends etc. even 360 ever evil eyes face fact fair fall farm fast fear 370 feed feel feet fell felt file fill film find fine 380 fire firm fish five flag flat flew flow food foot 390 form fort four free frog from fuel full fund gain 400 game gate gave gets gift girl give glad goal goes 410 gold gone good gray grew grow gulf half hall halt 420 hand hang hard have he'd he's head hear heat held 430 hell help herd here hide high hill hold hole home 440 hope horn hour huge hung hunt hurt idea inch into 450 iron it's jack jazz jobs join jump jury just keep 460 kept kill kind king knew know lack lady laid lake 470 lamp land last late laws lead leaf left legs less 480 life lift like line lion lips list live load long 490 look lord lose loss lost loud love luck made mail 500 main make many mark mass meal mean meat meet mice 510 mile milk mind mine miss mood moon more most move 520 much must name near neck need nest news next nice 530 nine none noon nose note noun once ones only onto 540 open over pack page paid pain pair pale park part 550 pass past path pick pile pine pink pipe plan play 560 plus poem poet pole pond pony pool poor port post 570 pour pull pure push race rain rate rays read real 580 rear rest rice rich ride ring rise road roar rock 590 role roll roof room root rope rose rule runs safe 600 said sail salt same sand sang save says seat seed 610 seek seem seen sell send sent sets ship shoe shop 620 shot show shut sick side sign silk sing sink site 630 size skin slow snow soft soil sold some song soon 640 sort spot star stay step stop such suit sure swam 650 swim tail take talk tall tank tape task team tell 660 tent term test text than that thee them then they 670 thin this thou thus tide tied till time tiny told 680 tone took tool torn town tree trip true tube turn 690 type unit upon used uses vast verb very view vote 700 wage wait walk wall want warm warn wash wave ways 710 weak wear week well went were west what when whom 720 wide wife wild will wind wine wing wire wise wish 730 with wood wool word wore work yard year your zero 740 Alice April Betsy Bible Billy China Congo David Dutch Frank 750 Greek Henry India Italy James Japan Jesus Jimmy Jones Latin 760 Lewis Louis March Maria Negro Paris Peter Rhode Roman Sally 770 Smith Spain Texas about above added after again agree ahead 780 alike alive allow alone along aloud among angle angry anode 790 apart apple apply areas armed arrow aside asked avoid aware 800 badly based basic basis beach began begin begun being below 810 birds birth black blank blind block blood board bones books 820 bound brain brass brave bread break brief bring broad broke 830 brown brush build built burst cabin calls can't carry cases 840 catch cause cells cents chain chair chart check chest chief 850 child civil claim class clean clear climb clock close cloth 860 cloud coast color comes corps costs could count court cover 870 crack cream cried cross crowd curve daily dance death dirty 880 doing don't doubt dozen drawn dream dress dried drink drive 890 drove eager early earth eaten eight empty ended enemy enjoy 900 enter equal event every exact exist extra faces facts faith 910 favor fence fewer field fifth fifty fight final finds firms 920 first fixed flame flies floor force forms forth forty found 930 frame frank fresh front fruit fully funds funny games giant 940 girls given gives glass globe going goods goose grade grain 950 graph grass great green gross group grown guard guess guide 960 hands happy he'll heard heart heavy hello hence homes honor 970 horse hotel hours house human hurry ideal ideas image inde 980 isn't issue items judge knife known knows labor large later 990 laugh learn least leave legal let's level light liked lines 1000 lived lives local looks loose loved lower lucky lunch lying 1010 magic major makes man's match maybe means meant metal might 1020 miles minds minor model money month moral motor mouse mouth 1030 moved movie music nails named names needs never night noise 1040 north noted notes novel occur ocean offer often older orbit 1050 order other ought outer owner paint paper parts party peace 1060 phase piano piece pilot pitch place plain plane plans plant 1070 plate plays poems point porch pound power press price prize 1080 proud prove pupil queen quick quiet quite radio raise ranch 1090 range rates reach ready refer rifle right river roads rooms 1100 rough round route ruler rules sales saved scale scene score 1110 seeds seems sense serve seven shade shall shape share sharp 1120 she'd sheep sheet shelf shine shirt shoes shook shoot shore 1130 short shown shows sides sight signs since skill slabs slave 1140 sleep slept slide small smell smile smoke snake solid solve 1150 songs sound south space speak speed spell spend spent spite 1160 split spoke sport staff stage stand stars start state steam 1170 steel steep stems steps stick still stock stone stood store 1180 storm story stove straw strip stuck study style sugar sweet 1190 swept swing table taken takes taste teach tears teeth terms 1200 tests thank their theme there these thick thing think third 1210 those three threw throw tight times tired title today tools 1220 topic total touch tower trace track trade trail train trees 1230 trial tribe trick tried truck truly trunk truth twice types 1240 uncle under union units unity until upper using usual value 1250 visit vital voice vowel wagon walls wants waste watch water 1260 waves we'll we're we've weeks weigh whale wheat wheel where 1270 which while white whole whose wings women won't words works 1280 world worry worse worth would write wrong wrote yards years 1290 you'd young youth Africa Alaska Berlin Boston Canada Carlos Christ 1300 Dallas Daniel Edward Europe France French Friday George German Greece 1310 Indian Jewish Johnny Joseph London Martin Mercer Mexico Monday Morgan 1320 Palmer Parker Robert Russia Senate Soviet States Sunday Thomas United 1330 Wilson aboard accept across acting action active actual affect afraid 1340 agency agreed almost always amount animal annual answer anyone anyway 1350 appear aren't around arrive artist asking asleep assume atomic attack 1360 author basket battle beauty became become before begins behind belief 1370 belong beside better beyond bigger bodies bottle bottom bought branch 1380 breath bridge bright broken budget buried butter called camera cannot 1390 carbon career castle cattle caught caused causes center chance change 1400 charge cheese choice choose chosen church circle circus cities claims 1410 closed closer coffee colony column coming common copper corner cotton 1420 county couple course cowboy create credit crisis danger decide degree 1430 demand depend desert design desire detail device didn't differ dinner 1440 direct divide doctor dollar double driven driver during easier easily 1450 editor effect effort either eleven energy engine enough entire escape 1460 events except expect extent factor failed fairly fallen family famous 1470 farmer faster father fellow fields fierce figure filled finger finish 1480 fiscal flight flower follow forced forces forest forget forgot formed 1490 former fought fourth friend frozen future garden gather gentle gently 1500 giving golden ground groups growth guests hadn't handle happen harbor 1510 harder hardly having headed health height helped hidden higher highly 1520 hollow horses houses hungry impact inches income indeed inside island 1530 issues itself joined jumped jungle junior killed larger latter layers 1540 leader league length lesson letter levels lifted likely liquid listen 1550 little living locate lonely longer looked lovely magnet mainly making 1560 manner marked market master matter melody member memory mental merely 1570 method middle mighty minute mirror modern moment months mostly mother 1580 motion moving murder muscle myself narrow nation native nature nearby 1590 nearer nearly needed needle nobody nodded normal notice number object 1600 obtain office oldest opened orange orders origin others oxygen parent 1610 partly passed pencil people period permit person phrase picked pieces 1620 placed places plains planet plants played please plenty plural pocket 1630 poetry points police policy pounds powder powers pretty prices proper 1640 proved public pulled purple pushed rabbit raised rather reader really 1650 reason recent record reduce regard region relief remain remove repeat 1660 report result return review rhythm riding rights rising rocket rolled 1670 rubber saddle safety salmon sample saying school screen search season 1680 second secret seeing seemed seldom select series served settle sexual 1690 shadow shells should showed signal silent silver simple simply single 1700 sister slowly smiled smooth social softly sought source speech spider 1710 spirit spoken spread spring square stairs stands stared stated status 1720 stayed steady stream street stress strike string strong struck sudden 1730 suffix summer supper supply symbol system taking talked taught that's 1740 theory things thirty though thread throat thrown tongue toward travel 1750 troops trying turned twelve twenty unique united unless upward useful 1760 valley values vision volume voyage waited walked wanted wasn't weight 1770 what's wheels widely window winter within wonder wooden worked worker 1780 writer yellow you'll you're you've America Britain British Charles Chicago 1790 Chinese England English Florida Germany Hanover Italian Johnson Kennedy Negroes 1800 October Pacific Richard Russian Tuesday William ability account actions address 1810 advance affairs against allowed already ancient animals another anybody appears 1820 applied arrange arrived article artists aspects assumed attempt average balance 1830 balloon because becomes believe beneath benefit besides between bicycle biggest 1840 billion blanket breathe brother brought buffalo burning capable capital captain 1850 careful carried central century certain chamber changed changes chapter charged 1860 chicken citizen classes clearly climate climbed closely clothes collect college 1870 combine command company compare compass complex concept concern conduct consist 1880 contact contain control correct council country courage courses covered created 1890 culture curious current cutting decided decimal defense demands despite details 1900 develop diagram discuss disease distant divided doesn't dollars drawing driving 1910 dropped earlier economy effects efforts element enjoyed entered equally equator 1920 evening evident exactly examine example excited explain explore express extreme 1930 factors factory faculty failure farmers farther fashion feature federal feeling 1940 fifteen figures finally fingers flowers follows foreign formula forward freedom 1950 friends further general getting granted gravity greater greatly grounds growing 1960 halfway hearing heavily helpful herself highest highway himself history holding 1970 housing however hundred hunting hurried husband imagine improve include initial 1980 insects instead journey justice keeping kitchen largely largest laughed leaders 1990 leading learned leather leaving letters liberal library limited located looking 2000 machine managed manager married massage matters maximum meaning measure medical 2010 meeting members message methods million minimum minutes missing mission mistake 2020 mixture morning musical nations natural nearest neither nervous nothing nuclear 2030 numbers numeral objects observe obvious offered officer opening opinion ordered 2040 outline outside package parents parties passage passing patient pattern percent 2050 perfect perhaps persons picture planets planned plastic playing pointed popular 2060 portion prepare present prevent primary printed private problem process produce 2070 product program project provide purpose putting quality quarter quickly quietly 2080 rapidly reached reading reality realize reasons receive records reduced refused 2090 regular related remains removed replace replied reports require respect results 2100 running schools science section serious service session setting settled several 2110 shelter shorter shouted showing silence similar sitting slipped smaller society 2120 soldier somehow someone sources special started station stepped stomach stopped 2130 stories strange streets stretch student studied studies subject success suggest 2140 support suppose surface symbols systems talking teacher tension there's they're 2150 thought through tightly tonight towards traffic treated trouble turning typical 2160 unhappy unknown unusual usually variety various victory village visitor waiting 2170 watched weapons weather welcome weren't western whether whistle willing without 2180 workers working worried wrapped writers writing written younger American Atlantic 2190 Catholic Columbus Congress December European Japanese New York November Saturday Virginia 2200 academic accepted accident accurate achieved activity actually addition adequate agencies 2210 aircraft airplane alphabet although analysis answered anything anywhere apparent appeared 2220 approach argument attached attitude attorney audience baseball becoming behavior believed 2230 birthday branches building business campaign capacity captured carrying chairman changing 2240 chemical children churches citizens clothing commerce compared complete composed compound 2250 consider constant continue contrast couldn't creature critical cultural darkness daughter 2260 decision declared describe designed diameter directed directly director discover distance 2270 district division domestic dominant dramatic election electric elements elephant emphasis 2280 engineer entirely entitled entrance equation everyone evidence exchange exciting exercise 2290 existing expected extended familiar families fastened favorite feathers feelings fighting 2300 finished followed football fraction friendly frighten function gasoline governor greatest 2310 handsome happened hospital identity improved included increase indicate industry informed 2320 instance interest interior internal invented involved judgment language learning literary 2330 location maintain majority marriage material measured medicine military minerals minister 2340 moreover mountain movement national negative neighbor northern observed obtained occasion 2350 occurred officers official opposite ordinary original painting parallel personal physical 2360 pictured pictures planning platform pleasant pleasure policies politics position positive 2370 possible possibly potatoes powerful practice prepared presence pressure previous probably 2380 problems produced products programs progress projects properly property proposed provided 2390 provides purposes question railroad reaction realized received recently regarded relation 2400 religion remained remember repeated reported required requires research response returned 2410 sections security selected sentence separate services settlers shinning shoulder slightly 2420 smallest soldiers solution somebody sometime somewhat southern speaking specific standard 2430 standing starting stations straight stranger strength stronger struggle students studying 2440 subjects suddenly sunlight supposed surprise swimming syllable teachers teaching terrible 2450 thinking thousand together tomorrow training triangle tropical ultimate universe valuable 2460 vertical watching whatever whenever wherever wondered wouldn't yourself Australia Christian 2470 Christmas September according adjective advantage adventure afternoon agreement announced apartment 2480 attention authority available beautiful beginning breakfast breathing buildings carefully certainly 2490 character classroom committee communism communist community companies completed concerned condition 2500 conducted connected consonant contained continent continued correctly countries dangerous described 2510 determine developed different difficult direction disappear discovery discussed education effective 2520 emotional employees equipment essential establish estimated everybody excellent exclaimed executive 2530 existence explained expressed factories financial following forgotten furniture generally gradually 2540 immediate important including increased increases indicated influence intensity interests knowledge 2550 machinery materials mentioned molecular molecules naturally necessary newspaper objective obviously 2560 officials operating operation orchestra organized otherwise ourselves paragraph particles perfectly 2570 permitted personnel political potential practical presented president primarily primitive principal 2580 principle procedure processes professor providing published questions radiation recognize reference 2590 relations religious represent resources scientist secretary sensitive situation something sometimes 2600 somewhere spiritual standards statement stretched structure suggested surprised syllables technical 2610 technique telephone therefore thousands tradition treatment underline vegetable whispered wonderful 2620 yesterday California Democratic Khrushchev Washington activities additional apparently appearance assignment 2630 assistance associated atmosphere automobile background collection commercial commission completely completion 2640 components concerning conclusion conditions confidence connection considered continuing definition department 2650 determined dictionary difference difficulty discovered discussion electronic especially eventually everything 2660 everywhere excitement experience experiment expression facilities frequently generation government historical 2670 importance impossible increasing individual industrial instrument interested introduced leadership literature 2680 management membership operations particular philosophy population previously principles procedures production 2690 properties protection providence reasonable recognized relatively remembered resolution revolution scientific 2700 scientists statements substances successful sufficient surrounded techniques television themselves throughout 2710 understand understood university vocational Mississippi achievement application appropriate association combination 2720 comfortable competition composition corporation development differences educational electricity environment established 2730 experiments governments grandfather imagination immediately independent individuals information instruments interesting 2740 maintenance opportunity performance possibility represented responsible significant substantial temperature traditional 2750 considerable construction contemporary conversation distribution headquarters independence institutions intellectual neighborhood 2760 nevertheless organization particularly professional relationship requirements significance approximately circumstances communication 2770 international organizations understanding administration characteristic responsibility transportation Andrew Andrew Andrew
Примеры использования:
1 1/2 1/4 Africa Alaska Alice America American Andy Ann April 11 Asia Atlantic Australia Bay Ben Berlin Betsy Bible Bill Billy 21 Bob Boston Britain British California Canada Carlos Catholic Charles Chicago 31 China Chinese Christ Christian Christmas Columbus Congo Congress Dad Dallas 41 Dan Daniel David December Democratic Dick Don Dr. Dutch Eddy 51 Edward England English Europe European Florida France Frank Fred French 61 Friday George German Germany God Greece Greek Hanover Henry I 71 I'd I'll I'm I've India Indian Italian Italy Jack James 81 Jane Japan Japanese Jeff Jesus Jewish Jim Jimmy Joe John 91 Johnny Johnson Jones Joseph Jr. July June Kennedy Khrushchev King 101 Laos Latin Lewis London Louis Mama March Maria Mars Martin 111 Mary May Mercer Mexico Mike Miss Mississippi Monday Morgan Mr. 121 Mrs. Negro Negroes NewYork November October Ohio Pacific Palmer Papa 131 Paris Parker Paul Peter Phil Pole Rhode Richard Robert Roman 141 Rome Russia Russian Sally Sam Saturday Senate September Sir Smith 151 Soviet Spain St. States Sunday TV Texas Thomas Tim Tom 161 Tuesday U.N. U.S. United Virginia Washington William Wilson York a 171 ability able aboard about above academic accept accepted accident Andrew 180 according account accurate achieved achievement across act acting action actions 190 active activities activity actual actually add added addition additional address 200 adequate adjective administration advance advantage adventure affairs affect afraid after 210 afternoon again against age agencies agency ago agree agreed agreement 220 ahead aid air aircraft airplane alike alive all allow allowed 230 almost alone along aloud alphabet already also although always am 240 among amount an analysis ancient and angle angry animal animals 250 announced annual anode another answer answered ants any anybody anyone 260 anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apparent apparently appear appearance appeared 270 appears apple application applied apply approach appropriate approximately are area 280 areas aren't argument arm armed arms army around arrange arrive 290 arrived arrow art article artist artists arts as aside ask 300 asked asking asleep aspects assignment assistance associated association assume assumed 310 at ate atmosphere atom atomic attached attack attempt attention attitude 320 attorney audience aunt author authority automobile available average avoid aware 330 away baby back background bad badly bag balance ball balloon 340 band bank bar bare bark barn base baseball based basic 350 basis basket bat battle be beach bean bear beat beautiful 360 beauty became because become becomes becoming bed bee been before 370 began begin beginning begins begun behavior behind being belief believe 380 believed bell belong below belt bend beneath benefit bent beside 390 besides best bet better between beyond bicycle big bigger biggest 400 billion birds birth birthday bit bite black blank blanket blew 410 blind block blood blow blue board boat bodies body bone 420 bones book books born both bottle bottom bought bound bow 430 bowl box boy boys brain branch branches brass brave bread 440 break breakfast breath breathe breathing bridge brief bright bring broad 450 broke broken brother brought brown brush budget buffalo build building 460 buildings built buried burn burning burst bus bush business busy 470 but butter buy by cabin cage cake call called calls 480 came camera camp campaign can can't cannot cap capable capacity 490 capital captain captured car carbon card care career careful carefully 500 carried carry carrying cars case cases castle cat catch cattle 510 caught cause caused causes cave cell cells cent center central 520 cents century certain certainly chain chair chairman chamber chance change 530 changed changes changing chapter character characteristic charge charged chart check 540 cheese chemical chest chicken chief child children choice choose chosen 550 church churches circle circumstances circus cities citizen citizens city civil 560 claim claims class classes classroom clay clean clear clearly climate 570 climb climbed clock close closed closely closer cloth clothes clothing 580 cloud club coal coast coat coffee cold collect collection college 590 colony color column combination combine come comes comfortable coming command 600 commerce commercial commission committee common communication communism communist community companies 610 company compare compared compass competition complete completed completely completion comple 620 xcomponents composed composition compound concept concern concerned concerning conclusion condition 630 conditions conduct conducted confidence connected connection consider considerable considered consist 640 consonant constant construction contact contain contained contemporary continent continue continued 650 continuing contrast control conversation cook cool copper copy corn corner 660 corporation corps correct correctly cost costs cotton could couldn't council 670 count countries country county couple courage course courses court cover 680 covered cow cowboy cows crack cream create created creature credit 690 crew cried crisis critical crop cross crowd cry cultural culture 700 cup curious current curve cut cutting daily dance danger dangerous 710 dark darkness date daughter dawn day days dead deal dear 720 death decide decided decimal decision declared deep deer defense definition 730 degree demand demands department depend describe described desert design designed 740 desire desk despite detail details determine determined develop developed development 750 device diagram diameter dictionary did didn't die died differ difference 760 differences different difficult difficulty dig dinner direct directed direction directly 770 director dirt dirty disappear discover discovered discovery discuss discussed discussion 780 disease dish distance distant distribution district divide divided division do 790 doctor does doesn't dog dogs doing dollar dollars domestic dominant 800 don't done door dot double doubt down dozen dramatic draw 810 drawing drawn dream dress drew dried drink drive driven driver 820 driving drop dropped drove dry duck due dug dull during 830 dust duty each eager ear earlier early earn ears earth 840 easier easily east easy eat eaten economy edge editor education 850 educational effect effective effects effort efforts egg eggs eight either 860 election electric electricity electronic element elements elephant eleven else emotional 870 emphasis employees empty end ended ends enemy energy engine engineer 880 enjoy enjoyed enough enter entered entire entirely entitled entrance environment 890 equal equally equation equator equipment escape especially essential establish established 900 estimated etc. even evening event events eventually ever every everybody 910 everyone everything everywhere evidence evident evil exact exactly examine example 920 excellent except exchange excited excitement exciting exclaimed executive exercise exist 930 existence existing expect expected experience experiment experiments explain explained explore 940 express expressed expression extended extent extra extreme eye eyes face 950 faces facilities fact factor factories factors factory facts faculty failed 960 failure fair fairly faith fall fallen familiar families family famous 970 far farm farmer farmers farther fashion fast fastened faster fat 980 father favor favorite fear feathers feature fed federal feed feel 990 feeling feelings feet fell fellow felt fence few fewer field 1000 fields fierce fifteen fifth fifty fig fight fighting figure figures 1010 file fill filled film final finally financial find finds fine 1020 finger fingers finish finished fire firm firms first fiscal fish 1030 fit five fix fixed flag flame flat flew flies flight 1040 floor flow flower flowers fly fog follow followed following follows 1050 food foot football for force forced forces foreign forest forget 1060 forgot forgotten form formed former forms formula fort forth forty 1070 forward fought found four fourth fox fraction frame frank free 1080 freedom frequently fresh friend friendly friends frighten frog from front 1090 frozen fruit fuel full fully fun function fund funds funny 1100 fur furniture further future gain game games garden gas gasoline 1110 gate gather gave general generally generation gentle gently get gets 1120 getting giant gift girl girls give given gives giving glad 1130 glass globe go goal goes going gold golden gone good 1140 goods goose got government governments governor grade gradually grain grandfather 1150 granted graph grass gravity gray great greater greatest greatly green 1160 grew gross ground grounds group groups grow growing grown growth 1170 guard guess guests guide gulf gun had hadn't half halfway 1180 hall halt hand handle hands handsome hang happen happened happy 1190 harbor hard harder hardly has hat have having hay he 1200 he'd he'll he's head headed headquarters health hear heard hearing 1210 heart heat heavily heavy height held hell hello help helped 1220 helpful hence her herd here herself hidden hide high higher 1230 highest highly highway hill him himself his historical history hit 1240 hold holding hole hollow home homes honor hope horn horse 1250 horses hospital hot hotel hour hours house houses housing how 1260 however huge human hundred hung hungry hunt hunting hurried hurry 1270 hurt husband ice idea ideal ideas identity if ill image 1280 imagination imagine immediate immediately impact importance important impossible improve improved 1290 in inch inches include included including income increase increased increases 1300 increasing indeed independence independent index indicate indicated individual individuals industrial 1310 industry influence information informed initial insects inside instance instead institutions 1320 instrument instruments intellectual intensity interest interested interesting interests interior internal 1330 international into introduced invented involved iron is island isn't issue 1340 issues it it's items its itself jack jar jazz jet 1350 job jobs join joined journey joy judge judgment jump jumped 1360 jungle junior jury just justice keep keeping kept key kid 1370 kill killed kind king kitchen knew knife know knowledge known 1380 knows labor lack lady laid lake lamp land language large 1390 largely larger largest last late later latter laugh laughed law 1400 laws lay layers lead leader leaders leadership leading leaf league 1410 learn learned learning least leather leave leaving led left leg 1420 legal legs length less lesson let let's letter letters level 1430 levels liberal library lie life lift lifted light like liked 1440 likely limited line lines lion lips liquid list listen literary 1450 literature little live lived lives living load local locate located 1460 location log lonely long longer look looked looking looks loose 1470 lord lose loss lost lot loud love loved lovely low 1480 lower luck lucky lunch lying machine machinery mad made magic 1490 magnet mail main mainly maintain maintenance major majority make makes 1500 making man man's managed management manager manner many map mark 1510 marked market marriage married mass massage master match material materials 1520 matter matters maximum may maybe me meal mean meaning means 1530 meant measure measured meat medical medicine meet meeting melody member 1540 members membership memory men mental mentioned merely message met metal 1550 method methods mice middle might mighty mile miles military milk 1560 million mind minds mine minerals minimum minister minor minute minutes 1570 mirror miss missing mission mistake mix mixture model modern molecular 1580 molecules moment money month months mood moon moral more moreover 1590 morning most mostly mother motion motor mountain mouse mouth move 1600 moved movement movie moving much mud murder muscle music musical 1610 must my myself nails name named names narrow nation national 1620 nations native natural naturally nature near nearby nearer nearest nearly 1630 necessary neck need needed needle needs negative neighbor neighborhood neither 1640 nervous nest never nevertheless new news newspaper next nice night 1650 nine no nobody nodded noise none noon nor normal north 1660 northern nose not note noted notes nothing notice noun novel 1670 now nuclear number numbers numeral object objective objects observe observed 1680 obtain obtained obvious obviously occasion occur occurred ocean of off 1690 offer offered office officer officers official officials often oh oil 1700 old older oldest on once one ones only onto open 1710 opened opening operating operation operations opinion opportunity opposite or orange 1720 orbit orchestra order ordered orders ordinary organization organizations organized origin 1730 original other others otherwise ought our ourselves out outer outline 1740 outside over own owner oxygen pack package page paid pain 1750 paint painting pair pale pan paper paragraph parallel parent parents 1760 park part particles particular particularly parties partly parts party pass 1770 passage passed passing past path patient pattern pay peace pen 1780 pencil people per percent perfect perfectly performance perhaps period permit 1790 permitted person personal personnel persons pet phase philosophy phrase physical 1800 piano pick picked picture pictured pictures pie piece pieces pig 1810 pile pilot pine pink pipe pitch place placed places plain 1820 plains plan plane planet planets planned planning plans plant plants 1830 plastic plate platform play played playing plays pleasant please pleasure 1840 plenty plural plus pocket poem poems poet poetry point pointed 1850 points pole police policies policy political politics pond pony pool 1860 poor popular population porch port portion position positive possibility possible 1870 possibly post pot potatoes potential pound pounds pour powder power 1880 powerful powers practical practice prepare prepared presence present presented president 1890 press pressure pretty prevent previous previously price prices primarily primary 1900 primitive principal principle principles printed private prize probably problem problems 1910 procedure procedures process processes produce produced product production products professional 1920 professor program programs progress project projects proper properly properties property 1930 proposed protection proud prove proved provide provided providence provides providing 1940 public published pull pulled pupil pure purple purpose purposes push 1950 pushed put putting quality quarter queen question questions quick quickly 1960 quiet quietly quite rabbit race radiation radio railroad rain raise 1970 raised ran ranch range rapidly rate rates rather raw rays 1980 reach reached reaction read reader reading ready real reality realize 1990 realized really rear reason reasonable reasons receive received recent recently 2000 recognize recognized record records red reduce reduced refer reference refused 2010 regard regarded region regular related relation relations relationship relatively relief 2020 religion religious remain remained remains remember remembered remove removed repeat 2030 repeated replace replied report reported reports represent represented require required 2040 requirements requires research resolution resources respect response responsibility responsible rest 2050 result results return returned review revolution rhythm rice rich ride 2060 riding rifle right rights ring rise rising river road roads 2070 roar rock rocket rod role roll rolled roof room rooms 2080 root rope rose rough round route row rubber rule ruler 2090 rules run running runs sad saddle safe safety said sail 2100 sales salmon salt same sample san sand sang sat save 2110 saved saw say saying says scale scene school schools science 2120 scientific scientist scientists score screen sea search season seat second 2130 secret secretary section sections security see seed seeds seeing seek 2140 seem seemed seems seen seldom select selected sell send sense 2150 sensitive sent sentence separate series serious serve served service services 2160 session set sets setting settle settled settlers seven several se 2170 xsexual shade shadow shall shape share sharp she she'd sheep 2180 sheet shelf shells shelter shine shinning ship shirt shoe shoes 2190 shook shoot shop shore short shorter shot should shoulder shouted 2200 show showed showing shown shows shut sick side sides sight 2210 sign signal significance significant signs silence silent silk silver similar 2220 simple simply since sing single sink sir sister sit site 2230 sitting situation six size skill skin sky slabs slave sleep 2240 slept slide slightly slipped slow slowly small smaller smallest smell 2250 smile smiled smoke smooth snake snow so social society soft 2260 softly soil sold soldier soldiers solid solution solve some somebody 2270 somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhat somewhere son song songs 2280 soon sort sought sound source sources south southern space speak 2290 speaking special specific speech speed spell spend spent spider spirit 2300 spiritual spite split spoke spoken sport spot spread spring square 2310 staff stage stairs stand standard standards standing stands star stared 2320 stars start started starting state stated statement statements station stations 2330 status stay stayed steady steam steel steep stems step stepped 2340 steps stick still stock stomach stone stood stop stopped store 2350 stories storm story stove straight strange stranger straw stream street 2360 streets strength stress stretch stretched strike string strip strong stronger 2370 struck structure struggle stuck student students studied studies study studying 2380 style subject subjects substances substantial success successful such sudden suddenly 2390 sufficient suffix sugar suggest suggested suit sum summer sun sunlight 2400 supper supply support suppose supposed sure surface surprise surprised surrounded 2410 swam sweet swept swim swimming swing syllable syllables symbol symbols 2420 system systems table tail take taken takes taking talk talked 2430 talking tall tank tape task taste taught tax tea teach 2440 teacher teachers teaching team tears technical technique techniques teeth telephone 2450 television tell temperature ten tension tent term terms terrible test 2460 tests text than thank that that's the thee their them 2470 theme themselves then theory there there's therefore these they they're 2480 thick thin thing things think thinking third thirty this those 2490 thou though thought thousand thousands thread three threw throat through 2500 throughout throw thrown thus thy tide tie tied tight tightly 2510 till time times tin tiny tip tired title to today 2520 together told tomorrow tone tongue tonight too took tool tools 2530 top topic torn total touch toward towards tower town trace 2540 track trade tradition traditional traffic trail train training transportation travel 2550 treated treatment tree trees trial triangle tribe trick tried trip 2560 troops tropical trouble truck true truly trunk truth try trying 2570 tube turn turned turning twelve twenty twice two type types 2580 typical ultimate uncle under underline understand understanding understood unhappy union 2590 unique unit united units unity universe university unknown unless until 2600 unusual up upon upper upward us use used useful uses 2610 using usual usually valley valuable value values variety various vast 2620 vegetable verb vertical very victory view village vision visit visitor 2630 vital vocational voice volume vote vowel voyage wage wagon wait 2640 waited waiting walk walked wall walls want wanted wants war 2650 warm warn was wash wasn't waste watch watched watching water 2660 wave waves way ways we we'll we're we've weak weapons 2670 wear weather week weeks weigh weight welcome well went were 2680 weren't west western wet whale what what's whatever wheat wheel 2690 wheels when whenever where wherever whether which while whispered whistle 2700 white who whole whom whose why wide widely wife wild 2710 will willing win wind window wine wing wings winter wire 2720 wise wish with within without women won wonder wondered wonderful 2730 won't wood wooden wool word words wore work worked worker 2740 workers working works world worried worry worse worth would wouldn't 2750 wrapped write writer writers writing written wrong wrote yard yards 2760 year years yellow yes yesterday yet you you'd you'll you're 2770 you've young younger your yourself youth zero Andrew Andrew Andrew
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25.08.09 15:23
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03.12.21 15:50
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