God must be an atheist. To believe in God's existence is to lessen the powers of God, to confine God, because you are saying to God: You may not not exist. Whereas, God has the power to exist or not exist, as God chooses (but only if God exists). Who are we to say God exists? This is the philosophy I call acknotheschism. Acknowledging the schism between faith and rationality, that the two cannot and should not coincide. St. Aquinas had it all wrong and so did Darwin's friend T.H. Huxley, coiner of the term agnosticism. You simply can't have it both ways: You can't have your cake and eat it, too. You can't believe in the story of creation as told in Genesis and believe in evolution as well. You have to separate science from religion.
Примеры использования:
None of this namby-pamby, milquetoasty agnosticism for me; no more scoffing, melodramatic atheism: It's time we stood up to the real challenge and acknotheschized, God bless us every one.
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