«dipsy doodle
dipterocide -
Killing flies, gnats, and mosquitoes.
Примеры использования:
Dear Cecil :
As an only child, I was forced to be ingenious about inventing solitary diversions. While reading an old diary recently, I found that on July 1, 1969, I went on a murderous binge which resulted in the untimely death of 52 houseflies. Knowing how degenerate their reproductive habits are, I got to wondering how many of their descendants would be around to plague us today had it not been for this prodigious feat of dipterocide. Can you enlighten me? For obvious reasons, I prefer to remain -- Anonymous, Chicago
Главный редактор
Дата внесения:
25.08.09 14:20
Дата последнего изменения:
16.11.21 13:42
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