Harass, harry. Should be a suitable alternative spelling for harass given that harass and harry are related. Harrass. Is it possible, just possible that Harry S Truman's parents had a sense of humor that they showed by giving him the middle name S? The S is not an initial. You've of course heard the expression "doesn't have a hair on his ass" used to refer to a wimp. Harry S ~ hairyass. Harry S Truman was definitely not a wimp. The (expensive) Thesaurus of Traditional English Metaphors associates "doesn't have a hair on his ass" with the United States military as "lack of courage, especially when dared." TTEM has this for hairy-arsed: "Of older soldiers and sailors disillusioned and with rough and ready competence born of hard experience; often, simply older and more mature.
Примеры использования:
Get your butt off my property and stop harryassing me, you jerk. | So? Sure, Chris shaves his legs and wears nail polish. But Jack doesn't have any business harryassing him by calling him a limp-wristed, leg-shaving sissy and saying he doesn't have a hair on his ass. What business is it of Jack's? . . . and how would Jack know whether or not Chris shaves his ass? Noseybeak minds want to know. . . . Oh, Chris is a she and not a he. I didn't realize that.
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