A slightly different meaning :
Well y'all, I ain't never heard of the other two y'alls. We kinda use y'all as an all purpose y'all. Singular, plural, etc. Now nabs
I've heard of. In fact they're a big part of a lint head lunch: nabs and a coke or (to me) better, a Moon Pie and RC or coke: We kinda
use coke for almost any soft drink. Our apologies Mr. Coke Cola. But I have even heard people say RC coke cola.
I guess y'all might be wondering what a lint head is. It's a body who works in a cotton mill. Your head so full of lint -- literally and
not figuratively -- that you look like a white haired granddaddy or grandmother after a day of work.
Also "dope" is sometimes used for drinks. Comes from working in the hot dusty cotton mills. You needed a pick me up and here would come
the dope cart. In the "old days", there were no break rooms or vending machine. A company man or a man with a permit would push a cart
around carrying snacks and soft drinks and BCs. BC, Stanbacks, Goody's and other headache powders were the "dope". And people would dump
the powder down the throat or in the drink and down it. Some of the "old timers" swear that a drink doctored up with a powder would carry
you through a hot, sweaty day: Temps in a cotton mill can get 20 to 30 degrees higher than outside. And a lot of them would just dump it
in the bottle and take a swig every now and again. Somehow the term dope (for some people) got carried over to mean a drink. But it's got
to be a heavy caffeine cola if you're going to use it a pick me up.
After having worked for years in a bleachery (which is worse than a cotton mill) I swear by colas and powders. They do seem to work some kind
of magic for almost anything that ails you. I particularly like them at night after a hard day. They "relax" me enough -- usually -- for
the next day. And I have used them for camping. I wouldn't recommend taking them constantly through the day like some of the ol' time
lint heads did, but they might be good at night; especially if your back is hurting. I've made a sweet instant coffee and drank it cold
since carrying canned drinks is a bit silly when you have to hike back into the woods.
Of course the best general cure for pain and what ails you is mountain dew. And I don't mean the kind that comes in a can. Take a sip of
the good stuff and you can probably hike the whole trail with a 100# pack. And if you ain't never had any, you probably can do the whole
trail in one day. It's powerful stuff.
Y'all have a good time, yuh hear!
William -Bill- Neal
The Library Turtle
-- I maybe slow, but I get there --
Midlands Technical College
Library - Airport - Cataloging
PO Box 2408
Columbia, SC, 29202-2408