Наши Рейтинги
stupididdy -
What you're guilty of being if you give yourself a name like P. Diddy. And here I thought I had cleverly coined a new word.
Примеры использования:
You're changing your name to what? If that isn't a serious case of stupididdy , I don't know what is.
Stupididdy . . . stupididdle . . . stupididdledy . . .
I know I already used this icon yesterday, as well as making it my default (fixed that) but it's really the only one appropriate for today.
So my buddy and I almost fell asleep in French Revolution lecture today. The already annoying Dr. Tackett invited a PhD student friend
of his to give a guest lecture on material we've already covered. Efficient! But I digress. This kid was wearing busted out jeans,
sneakers, a black shirt with a stylized graffitti halftone image of Louis XIV depicted in white with a star on his cheek. His hair was
long, curly and greasy; whether or not he possessed ears was unknown.
He mumbled through an hour and a half attempting to make some kind of argument (he says this is the subject of his dissertation)
that the French revolution invented new methods of non-violent protest, and he said that the Bastille was an 18th century literal
equivalent of USNB Guantanamo Bay, aka Camp X-Ray.
Главный редактор
Дата внесения:
25.08.09 15:12
Дата последнего изменения:
29.11.21 16:21
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