(n., pronounced sin-ni-FOY-deez in English, from the Greek ¦Т¦Ф¦Н¦Н¦Е¦Х¦П¦Й¦Д¦Еς (which is pronounced /sЁ№nnefoidiz/) Literally "a son of [the] cloud": anyone who grew up during the Cold War, in fear of mushroom clouds.
Also: mycosynnefoides "child of [the] mushroom cloud" or just mycoides "son of [the] mushroom" (but that last bespeaks growing up in the 60s rather more than during the longer Cold War of which the 60s was a small but significant part). A closely related word is synnephobia or mycosynnephobia "fear of the [mushroom] cloud."
Примеры использования:
The Iron Giant portrays the synnefoidean mindset of the 50s.
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