(pronounced vek-sil-AH-puh-thee, n.) 1. Poor flag design, especially the creation of a flag made of a state seal (full of various heraldic devices) on a simple blue field (seems like it's always blue for some reason) leaving citizens with a flag too busy to understand and too similar to everyone else's to distinguish. 2. a. a devotion to one's nation's symbols at the expense of her inhabitants (aka vexillomania); b. a compulsive need to purchase or display those little flags on plastic sticks. 3. the belief that burning a flag (vexilladury vek-sil-A-doo-ree) actually means anything more specific than "I hate your country/nation/state/company/association/whatever" (it's a very dramatic gesture, but it's kind of useless for anything but flipping off everyone association with the flag being burned ... if you want to protest something specific, you really need a sign or something). (From the Latin vexillum 'flag' + Greek pathos 'disease,' 'suffering'). Someone afflicted with this condition is a vexillopath.
Примеры использования:
"Fifty states in the US, and half of them have vexillopathic flags. Don't they have any pride?" "Maybe the states have all surrendered to Washington, DC? | "Wow, this guy's patriotic: look at all the flags." "Vexillopathy means nothing; does he care about the people or the place?"
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