phrase used by Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (Revenue Canada) tax collectors to describe
current policy when it comes to collecting.
An RTP is "Requirement to Pay" a garnishment.
The "1-2-3" is the length of time before you issue a garnishment.
Note: If you use this, please list the contributor as "Anonymous Tax Collector," as I still work for the
CCRA, though no longer as a tax collector, and this could very well get me in hot water.
If you cannot publish it without my name, please reject it.
Если Вы хотите оставить сообщение, то необходимо зарегистрироваться на ЖАРГОН.РУ Если Вы уже зарегистрированы, авторизуйтесь (форма входа находится сверху на этой страничке).