«spekzagotacular |
spelaikophile |
spelaikophile - |
(n.) Someone who prefers (and in serious cases, actually believes in) the unreal world created by motion pictures and television (where everyone is beautiful, hair gets disheveled charmingly, boring things happen quickly to music or don't happen at all, and everyday life is irrelevant). A spelaikophile, as a result of this disconnection from reality, actually believes actors are the characters they portray, and in the case of favorite actors, believes whatever they say. (From the Greek spelaion "cave", as used in the allegory of the cave in Plato's Republic).
Примеры использования: |
Ellen loves everything about Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom ... or at least, so she believes: actually, she's just a spelaikophile who worships Jack Sparrow and Legolas---she knows absolutely nothing about the men themselves, just the characters. |
Автор: |
Чебуратор |
Редактор: |
Главный редактор |
Просмотров: |
271 |
Дата внесения: |
25.08.09 15:09 |
Дата последнего изменения: |
29.11.21 10:39 |
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